Bigg Boss OTT contestant Neha Bhasin, who got evicted from the show three days before the finale, is a little disappointed with her eviction. However, she is happy to have found real friends for life in Shamita Shetty and Pratik Sehajpal on the show. The singer joined ETimes TV for an exclusive conversation and talked about her journey in the show and criticism she faced because of her special bond with Pratik. Neha questioned the audience about why her friendship with Pratik is being judged and is it because he is a man and she is a woman. She further stated that she is being punished for having a special bond with someone just because she's married. Neha spoke about her conversation with husband Sameer after coming out of the house and how she and her family were trolled for her sanskaar.
from Times of India
from Times of India
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